Sunday is a day of rest for most people. Some enjoy sleeping in late, while others might spend quality time meditating or exercising. Others might be looking for a reason to go out, or a way to spend time with family and friends. This makes having a game of golf followed up by a Sunday brunch as the ideal reason. Considering the benefit of a relaxing walk out on the green, followed by a nourishing and tasty midday meal, and many will agree that there is no better way to spend the remainder of the weekend.
Golfing Allows for Quiet Thinking While Improving One?s Game
Taking a walk around the green while swinging clubs is something many individuals find relaxing. It has been proven to relieve stress, and can be a helpful way of getting back to nature, while still working to improve one?s game. Consider the fact that a man of roughly 200 lbs. can burn a minimum of 460 calories if he chooses to walk and carry his clubs rather than ride in a gold cart. This alone can be an effective way to exercise when going to play, many golf courses also offer the added benefit of having a restaurant attached. Besides offering a bar, many provide brunch, lunch and even dinner. Exercise and a meal are considered enjoyable and an ideal way to spend a weekend for many.
Sunday Brunch Can Be an Opportunity to Catch up with Family and Friends
Since many people don?t get to see their family and friends as often as they would like, and get to practice their game even less, there is no reason why they can?t combine the best of both worlds. By making a point to get together with those close to them, they can catch up on news and important life events that might have been missed. Few people would turn down the invitation to a game of golf and hot delicious food afterward. Brunch is also late enough in the day that late sleepers can enjoy their weekend, while still making it out. Golf courses also offer other events, such as lessons for those who would like to learn how to play golf, as well as party venues for those looking to plan weddings, parties, or other events where they can spend more time with loved ones. Some golf courses are also part of a country club, where upon joining, members can widen and build their professional and social networks with similar-minded individuals.
Brunch is a Time Honored Way to Spend a Sunday Morning
Sunday brunch has always been noted for been lax and easy going. It?s also popular all over the country. Brunch is actually an English tradition that took over 25 years to become popular in the United States. Many Americans simply did not understand the combination of breakfast and lunch at first. Once they saw similar, familiar foods couple with a relaxed pace, they fell in love. Brunch is also not how many individuals remember it years ago. In fact, ethic inspired foods (such as pancakes made with coconut milk) have become very popular, with 67% of brunch-goers reporting this being a trend they love and look forward to. Of course, staples such as scrambled eggs, fruit, pancakes and other more established fare are always present to accommodate those with more traditional tastes.
Individuals looking to spend more time relaxing and enjoying the remainder of their weekend can get back to basics with Sunday brunch. There is nowhere else where they can exercise while enjoying the great outdoors, as well as participate in a sport that allows them to play either alone or with others. After playing at one?s own pace, there is the aftermath of brunch, which can offer a variety of different foods for any appetite. Many individuals do not get as much time as they would like to work on improving their game while catching up with family, so this is an ideal way to combine the best of both worlds, and finish them off with a satisfying meal, that typically cannot be enjoyed during the week.